
First of all welcome to the team! Whether we’re working 1:1 or in a larger team, I’m excited to take this professional journey with you. Yes, this is a form doc, but it has been created with care and many many revisions from my professional experiences from startups to large enterprises.

This doc is divided into three sections:

  1. Beto’s expectations
  2. Communication Style
  3. Collaboration Style

Expectations set the stage for the performance of a team. In an effort to facilitate communication create great things together, I’ve prepared a short list of mutual expectations. Communication style will help you understand how I prefer to communicate. Working style is the basis for how we will build we should consider that norms and styles are constantly changing.

There is always room for improvement, so please consider this a living document. Please read through this entire doc now and contact me with any questions or concerns. If you have none, please simply send me a message acknowledging that you have read this doc.

My communication channels:

Beto’s Expectations

Expectations set the stage for performance; my most fundamental expectation is that every teammate and every team I participate in will strive to build excellent products.

<aside> 💡 The reason I chose Jordan sneakers as the header for this article is because generations of basketball players have strapped on these shoes with the same expectations as Michael - to be the best. And while we may not define success by wins, we still strive to win and expect the same from every player on our team.


What you can expect from me